Understanding The Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns using Python — Part 6

Neeraj Kushwaha
9 min readFeb 18, 2023


This is the 15th post in a series of learning the Python programming language.

State Design Pattern

The State Design Pattern is a design pattern used in software engineering to allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The State pattern is used to represent the behavior of an object as a set of states and transitions between those states. This allows for a cleaner and more flexible implementation of state-dependent behavior, as the behavior of an object can be changed dynamically at runtime.

In Python, the State Design Pattern can be implemented using inheritance, where each state is represented as a separate class that inherits from a common base class. The base class defines the interface for all states, and the state-specific classes implement the behavior for each state. The object that needs to change its behavior based on its internal state then holds a reference to the current state and delegates its behavior to the current state.

Here’s an example of how the State Design Pattern can be implemented in Python:

class State:
def handle(self):
raise NotImplementedError

class ConcreteStateA(State):
def handle(self):
print("Handling in Concrete State A")

class ConcreteStateB(State):
def handle(self):
print("Handling in Concrete State B")

class Context:
def __init__(self, state):
self._state = state

def set_state(self, state):
self._state = state

def handle(self):

# Create states
state_a = ConcreteStateA()
state_b = ConcreteStateB()

# Create a context
context = Context(state_a)

# Change the state of the context
context.handle() # Handling in Concrete State A
context.handle() # Handling in Concrete State B


Handling in Concrete State A
Handling in Concrete State B

In this example, the State class defines the interface for all states and the ConcreteStateA and ConcreteStateB classes implement the behavior for each state. The Context class holds a reference to the current state, and delegates its behavior to the current state using the handle method.

The Context class can change its state dynamically at runtime by calling the set_state method, allowing its behavior to be altered as needed. This allows for a cleaner and more flexible implementation of state-dependent behavior, as the behavior of the object can be changed dynamically at runtime.

It’s important to note that the State Design Pattern can be a powerful tool for implementing state-dependent behavior, but it can result in complex and tightly-coupled systems if not used properly. It’s important to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of the State pattern, as well as its best practices when deciding whether to use it in an application.

Advantages of State Design Pattern:

  1. Clean and Flexible Implementation: The State Design Pattern provides a clean and flexible implementation of state-dependent behavior, allowing objects to alter their behavior when their internal state changes.
  2. Dynamic Behavior: The State Design Pattern allows for dynamic behavior, as the behavior of an object can be changed dynamically at runtime based on its internal state.
  3. Improved Modularity: The State Design Pattern improves the modularity of code by separating the behavior of an object into separate states, making it easier to maintain and extend the code over time.
  4. Improved Readability: The State Design Pattern makes code more readable by clearly separating the behavior of an object into separate states, making it easier to understand the behavior of the object.

Disadvantages of State Design Pattern:

  1. Complexity: The State Design Pattern can result in complex and tightly-coupled systems, particularly if it is used improperly or in combination with other patterns.
  2. Maintenance Overhead: The State Design Pattern can result in maintenance overhead, as each state must be maintained and updated independently, making it more difficult to maintain the code over time.
  3. Performance Overhead: The State Design Pattern can result in performance overhead, as the object must maintain a reference to its current state and delegate its behavior to the current state.

The State Design Pattern is a useful tool for implementing state-dependent behavior in Python, allowing objects to alter their behavior when their internal state changes. The State pattern is implemented using inheritance, where each state is represented as a separate class that implements the behavior for that state. The State Design Pattern can result in clean and flexible implementations of state-dependent behavior, but it should be used with care to avoid tight coupling and complexity.

Strategy Design Pattern

The Strategy Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to change its behavior dynamically, based on the context in which it is used. It is used to encapsulate algorithms within objects, allowing the algorithms to be swapped in and out at runtime, depending on the context.

In Python, the Strategy Design Pattern can be implemented using inheritance and polymorphism.

Here’s an example of how the Strategy Design Pattern can be implemented in Python:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PaymentStrategy(ABC):
def pay(self, amount):

class CreditCardStrategy(PaymentStrategy):
def pay(self, amount):
print(f"Paying {amount} using credit card")

class PayPalStrategy(PaymentStrategy):
def pay(self, amount):
print(f"Paying {amount} using PayPal")

class ShoppingCart:
def __init__(self):
self.total = 0
self.items = []

def add_item(self, item, price):
self.total += price

def pay(self, payment_strategy):

cart = ShoppingCart()
cart.add_item("item 1", 10)
cart.add_item("item 2", 20)


Paying 30 using credit card
Paying 30 using PayPal

In this example, we have a ShoppingCart class that contains a list of items and a total amount. The ShoppingCart class also has a pay method, which takes a PaymentStrategy object and calls its pay method to perform the payment.

The PaymentStrategy class is an abstract class that defines the interface for payment strategies. Two concrete implementations of the PaymentStrategy class are provided: CreditCardStrategy and PayPalStrategy.

When the pay method is called on the ShoppingCart object, it delegates the payment to the provided PaymentStrategy object, which performs the payment in the desired manner.

Advantages of the Strategy Design Pattern:

  1. Separation of Concerns: The Strategy Design Pattern separates the behavior of an object from its implementation, allowing the behavior to be changed dynamically, depending on the context.
  2. Flexibility: The Strategy Design Pattern provides flexibility, as the behavior of an object can be changed dynamically, without changing the object itself.
  3. Reusable Code: The Strategy Design Pattern promotes reusable code, as the implementation of the algorithms can be reused in different contexts.

Disadvantages of the Strategy Design Pattern:

  1. Increased Complexity: The Strategy Design Pattern can result in increased complexity, particularly if it is used inappropriately or in combination with other patterns.
  2. Maintenance Overhead: The Strategy Design Pattern can result in maintenance overhead, as each strategy must be maintained and updated independently, making it more difficult to maintain the code over time.

The Strategy Design Pattern is a useful tool for encapsulating algorithms within objects, allowing the algorithms to be swapped in and out at runtime, depending on the context. However, it should be used with care to avoid complexity and maintenance overhead.

Template Method Design Pattern

The Template Method Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in an abstract class, allowing its subclasses to provide the implementation details. It is used to encapsulate common behavior across multiple classes into a single, reusable implementation.

In Python, the Template Method Design Pattern can be implemented using inheritance.

Here’s an example of how the Template Method Design Pattern can be implemented in Python:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Beverage(ABC):
def prepare_beverage(self):

def boil_water(self):
print("Boiling water")

def brew(self):

def pour_in_cup(self):
print("Pouring in cup")

def add_condiments(self):

class Tea(Beverage):
def brew(self):
print("Steeping the tea")

def add_condiments(self):
print("Adding lemon")

class Coffee(Beverage):
def brew(self):
print("Dripping coffee through filter")

def add_condiments(self):
print("Adding sugar and milk")

tea = Tea()

coffee = Coffee()


Boiling water
Steeping the tea
Pouring in cup
Adding lemon
Boiling water
Dripping coffee through filter
Pouring in cup
Adding sugar and milk

In this example, we have an abstract class Beverage that defines the template method prepare_beverage. The prepare_beverage method contains the common steps of making a beverage, including boiling water, brewing, pouring in a cup, and adding condiments.

Two concrete implementations of the Beverage class are provided: Tea and Coffee. These classes provide the implementation details for the brew and add_condiments methods, which are specific to each type of beverage.

When the prepare_beverage method is called on a Tea or Coffee object, it follows the common steps of making a beverage, while delegating the implementation details to the concrete classes.

Advantages of the Template Method Design Pattern:

  1. Code Reuse: The Template Method Design Pattern promotes code reuse, as the common behavior across multiple classes can be encapsulated into a single, reusable implementation.
  2. Consistent Implementation: The Template Method Design Pattern ensures consistent implementation, as all subclasses follow the same algorithm, defined in the abstract class.
  3. Extensibility: The Template Method Design Pattern is extensible, as subclasses can provide the implementation details, allowing new behaviors to be added without modifying the existing code.

Disadvantages of the Template Method Design Pattern:

  1. Rigidity: The Template Method Design Pattern can be rigid, as subclasses are forced to follow the algorithm defined in the abstract class, making it difficult to change the implementation details.
  2. Increased Complexity: The Template Method Design Pattern can result in increased complexity, particularly if it is used in combination with other patterns or with a large number of subclasses.

The Template Method Design Pattern is a useful tool for encapsulating common behavior across multiple classes into a single, reusable implementation. It promotes code reuse, consistent implementation, and extensibility. However, it should be used with caution, as it can lead to increased rigidity and complexity. It is best used in situations where there is a common algorithm that needs to be followed across multiple classes, and where the implementation details can be provided by subclasses.

Visitor Design Pattern

The Visitor Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to add new operations to an object structure without modifying its classes. It separates the operations from the object structure, enabling you to add new operations without modifying the existing classes.

In Python, the Visitor Design Pattern can be implemented using double dispatch. This involves defining a separate method for each combination of visitor and element classes.

Here’s an example of how the Visitor Design Pattern can be implemented in Python:

class Element:
def accept(self, visitor):

class ConcreteElementA(Element):
def operation_a(self):
print("ConcreteElementA operation_a")

def accept(self, visitor):

class ConcreteElementB(Element):
def operation_b(self):
print("ConcreteElementB operation_b")

def accept(self, visitor):

class Visitor:
def visit(element):

class ConcreteVisitor1(Visitor):
def visit_concrete_element_a(element):

def visit_concrete_element_b(element):

class ConcreteVisitor2(Visitor):
def visit_concrete_element_a(element):
print("ConcreteVisitor2 visiting ConcreteElementA")

def visit_concrete_element_b(element):
print("ConcreteVisitor2 visiting ConcreteElementB")

elements = [ConcreteElementA(), ConcreteElementB()]
visitor1 = ConcreteVisitor1()
visitor2 = ConcreteVisitor2()

for element in elements:


ConcreteElementA operation_a
ConcreteVisitor2 visiting ConcreteElementA
ConcreteElementB operation_b
ConcreteVisitor2 visiting ConcreteElementB

In this example, we have an abstract class Element that defines the accept method. This method takes a Visitor object as an argument and calls the visit method on the visitor.

Two concrete implementations of the Element class are provided: ConcreteElementA and ConcreteElementB. These classes override the accept method to call the appropriate visit_concrete_element_a or visit_concrete_element_b method on the visitor.

Two concrete implementations of the Visitor class are provided: ConcreteVisitor1 and ConcreteVisitor2. These classes define the visit_concrete_element_a and visit_concrete_element_b methods, which perform the operations on the elements.

When the accept method is called on a ConcreteElementA or ConcreteElementB object, it calls the appropriate visit_concrete_element_a or visit_concrete_element_b method on the visitor, allowing the visitor to perform its operations on the element.

Advantages of the Visitor Design Pattern:

  1. Separation of Concerns: The Visitor Design Pattern separates the operations from the object structure, making it easier to add new operations without modifying the existing classes.
  2. Modifiability: The Visitor Design Pattern provides a flexible way to add new operations to an object structure, as the operations are defined in separate visitor classes, rather than in the object structure classes.
  3. Extensibility: The Visitor Design Pattern allows you to extend the operations that can be performed on an object structure, as new visitor classes can be added to the system.
  4. Double Dispatch: The Visitor Design Pattern takes advantage of double dispatch in Python, which allows you to dispatch a method call to a different implementation based on the runtime types of two objects.

Disadvantages of the Visitor Design Pattern:

  1. Complexity: The Visitor Design Pattern can add complexity to a system, as it involves a lot of classes and method calls.
  2. Rigidity: The Visitor Design Pattern can lead to increased rigidity, as the object structure and visitor classes are tightly coupled, making it difficult to change either one without affecting the other.
  3. Performance: The Visitor Design Pattern can have performance overhead, as it involves a lot of method calls, which can have an impact on the performance of the system.

The Visitor Design Pattern is a powerful design pattern that provides a flexible way to add new operations to an object structure. However, it should be used with caution, as it can add complexity and performance overhead to a system. It is best used in situations where you need to add new operations to an object structure and you want to separate the operations from the object structure classes.

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Book “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”



Neeraj Kushwaha

https://www.learncsdesign.com “Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen”